October 13, 2016

(New York City) – OCT 13, 2016 - The new body of work “RECENT PAINTINGS” by New York based artist Sam Fryer will be presented at PONY on the Bowery from Friday October 14th - Nov 20th, 2016.

On view by appointment only:

Opening Reception: Thursday Oct 13th, 2016 - 6-9 pm PONY on the Bowery - 365 Bowery #4, New York, NY 10012

“Recent Paintings” is a presentation of the most recent works of the artist. Sam Fryer is interested in systems, structure and the abstraction thereof. How do space and structure communicate and how can the artist resolve this conversation of systems? Fryer says, “There is a clarity to the materials of painting and a stubborn deliberation to the act of painting that amount to a variety of inquiry. An explicitly human inquiry: complete with the trials, errors, emotions, structures and organic matter implicit.

“Elegant meditations on the duality of progress, Fryer’s ink-colored canvasses brim with tension and vitality. His sophisticated handling of form, color, and texture produce radiantly refined compositions. Whether his structural arrangements lead the eye buoyantly across the canvas, or a work’s aesthetic ambiguity commands closer inspection, Fryer’s mystical configurations ensnare the gaze and tempt the touch. By activating our instinctual, physical responses to visual stimulation, the artist provokes the sensory certainty with which we evaluate physical landscapes.” - Allison Barker, 2015

About Sam Fryer is a New York abstract painter working in the Bronx. For the artist, paintings are breeding grounds for ideas. “It is essential that I cannot know what will come of an idea for a painting until I actually make the painting. Painting, for me, is active thinking. It is a learning experience that matures with each canvas. I am convinced that thought and feeling exist more abstractly than the concepts, words and other conventional forms of expression we use to communicate them.”

His work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in the domestic US. His work is in many private collections. For more information please visit his website

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June 6, 2016


(New York City) – June 3, 2016 - The new body of work “Surfaces” by New York based artist and costume designer Christian Joy will be presented at ‘PONY on the Bowery’ from Friday June 9th - July 3rd, 2016. On view by appointment only on weekdays from 4 - 7 pm.

Opening Reception: Thursday June 9th, 2016 - 6-9 pm PONY on the Bowery - 356 Bowery #4, New York, NY 10012

“Surfaces” is a new excursion into printmaking for the artist. Printmaking is a means Christian Joy uses in both her artistic and costume design practice but only rarely uses on two dimensional medium. In this show Christian will show a mix of prints on canvas created using heat press vinyl as well as traditional screen printing methods. The show will also contain cut out paper collage, a first step in Christian’s printmaking process as well as several three dimensional sculptures.

“In my work I want to give the feeling of crash landing on another planet. You awake confused, unable to read signs or decipher the sound of the language. But almost at once you begin to recognize colors, symbols and shapes. The planet feels less threatening and you are able to navigate your surroundings and begin to understand and feel comfort in your environment.”

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The Goya Series by Dave Ortiz

March 1st, 2016

THE GOYA SERIES - By Dave Ortiz, 2015

In 2015 Dave Ortiz has created a new body of work entirely dedicated to the silkscreen printing process evoked and enabled by his residency at the Gowanus Print Lab in Brooklyn. The process of silk screen printing is by many considered as the artisanal approach to printing requiring manual intervention by the artist in the context of a medium of mass production. This manual intervention is what attracts Ortiz to the medium of silkscreen print - it provides the perfect translation of his artistic challenge to leverage and express his individual and highly personal experience within the context of a mass produced environment. Ortiz adds to each individual print a lot of free hand adjustments, manipulation and sometimes paint.

The Goya Brand evokes memories for nearly every Puerto Rican. Every Hispanic American. What started as a playful exploration of Boricua heritage in the face of white American pop art, has become a very personal project for the artist in the review and analysis of his own life, cultural heritage, and the challenges of family (dys)function.

In this work Ortiz also explores the values of Hispanic heritage and culture as defined by his family, community and by corporate branding via the emotional and sentimental ties formed around family meals and food related memories of his childhood.

“The Goya Series” prints of mundane everyday items are on the most superficial level a cheeky tribute to Andy Warhol’s iconic Campbell soup can, but this alone would be one dimensional and not all that original… Other artists have worked around the “can”.

For Ortiz the two main topics of exploration in “The Goya Series” are:

  1. Ortiz’s own history of crossing lines of expectation both within his family standing out as the black bean amongst red beans as the odd kid who was a dreamer, loved to paint and was different than the others, and as Boricua from East New York leaving the ghetto yet always staying the other in his group of friends being called “Chocolate Bar” or “B-Dave”.

  2. And on another level this work series points at the other American realty- the non white one - of a corporate brand framing and becoming an intrinsic part of family memories by feeding and bringing up generations of Hispanic Americans for decades.

The Goya print series is part of a larger project and interactive installation “Bodega Ortiz” The installation features a Bodega on the Lower Eastside of New York - one of the core cultural infrastructures of Boricua life in NYC.

“Bodega Ortiz” is built by the artist and his team, operated by Ortiz’s parents Andres and Providencia Ortiz, and visited by family members - uncles, aunts, nieces, cousins and friends who are stopping by to hang out and chat, play Domino, remember and share their stories of their “Bodega Memories”.

The project is presented for financing and sponsorship.

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Today / Yesterday by Ioulex

September 30, 2014

The days to the presentation of a video project initiated and co-produced by yours truly are counting down…

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August 31, 2014



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Isabella Boylston Promoted to Principal Dancer at American Ballet Theater

June 30, 2014

Congratulations to one of our own - ISABELLA BOYLSTON!

We are so happy and proud of her, what an achievement. Yessss!!!!Isabella is now the youngest Principal of American Ballet Theatre.

See here todays announcement of the NYT.

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Karine Laval, Photographer

June 19, 2014

Meet our friend and first featured artist - Karine Laval

We are obsessed with Karine’s most recent work and are happy to give more background information to this latest series - CRASH [Work in Progress].

THANK YOU SO MUCH, for letting us be the first ones to show some samples of your evolving series.

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