To be or not to be?!!!!

July 7, 2014

Do you know TO.BE?

If you like art, if you love the internet we highly recommend to check out this new platform and get started to cut and paste and appropriate what you can get your hands or better mouse on….!

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OMG - The Emoji Analyst <3

June 28, 2014

How about switching up the daily horoscope read with grounded and profound emoji analysis. Check out the EmojiAnalyst created by Dan Bril.

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Post Internet Art and Marx

June 27, 2014

An interesting take on Post-internet Art, Marxism and Retail..

Christopher Glazek, Wallpaper for dis magazine

ONE EVENING LAST SUMMER, far from New York City, I was cornered by a senior curator from a prestigious arts institution. The woman, who was urbane, stylish, and in her late thirties, had a pressing question. “You live in Los Angeles,” she noted. “Can you tell me, is Petra Cortright a feminist?”

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New perspectives on BITCOIN

June 22, 2014

Currency is boring….let’s make Gif’s! A new perspective on Bitcoins.. Anil Dash on

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Karine Laval, Photographer

June 19, 2014

Meet our friend and first featured artist - Karine Laval

We are obsessed with Karine’s most recent work and are happy to give more background information to this latest series - CRASH [Work in Progress].

THANK YOU SO MUCH, for letting us be the first ones to show some samples of your evolving series.

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