Human Postcards by Nora Jaccaud

March 27, 2015

Born and raised in Chambre Avec Vue, Nora Jaccaud, developed early on an ability to listen, watch and assist artists, a skill that opened up the doors of many countries, cultures, experiences which led her gradually to her own voice. The camera allowed her to explore unnoticed worlds with a special attention for the beauty of the invisible. Out of this ability, Human Postcards was born, a series of one minute portraits taking you into the lives and minds of a universal community, the often unnoticed “invisible” people. Inspired by a “the sandiwch man” she calls him, a man she saw standing at the corner of Regent st and Oxford st in London. Nora thanks this guy for this project, which let her believe that we have a lot to learn from this people, “the invisible people”. Like her facebook, account for more info and updates!

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